These are articles from past issues of "Joyful Maiden."  Each bi-monthly issue contains these, plus many others! I hope you take time to read them, and will enjoy each one!


Imagine that you and your little sister are putting together a puzzle in your room.

"Now, where's that piece?" you mumble, looking all around your feet, and lifting your sister's dress to look underneath.

"Here it is," replies little Anastasia.  She had been holding it all along.

Soon enough, you both complete the puzzle.  Anastasia hops onto her bed, and rests her chin in her hands.

"What shall we do now?" she inquires.  Imagine that you open your toy chest, and begin to rummage through its contents.

"Ummm... Anastasia, have you seen my new doll?" you ask, tossing toys onto the floor, growling in frustration.  Your little sister begins to look a bit guilty.

"Well..."  Imagine that you jump to your feet, highly suspicious.


"Yeeesss," is the weak reply.

"Where is she??" YOu are very angry, for you had just received that new doll from Granny for your 12th birthday.  Suddenly, Anastasia bursts into tears.

"I gave her to Sally," she bursts out.

"What? Why, Anastasia, why did you do that?? OOOHHH! Your name suits you perfectly! You know one of the wicked step sisters' name in "Cinderella' was Anastasia!" you yell.  This makes her cry all the more.  Just then, Father comes into the room.

"Okay, what's going on in here?" he inquires, sternly.

"This... this KID gave my new doll to her friend Sallie!" Father sists down by Anastasia.

"Honey? Why did you do that?"

"B-because Sallie was so sad yesterday.  I don't have any toys e-except my broken jump rope so I gave her the doll instead."  Your father smiles a bit.

"That was a very kind thing to do, but you should have asked your sister first.  I'm sure she won't mind, however."  Imagine that you immediately open your mouth to protest.  You are going to insis that YES, you do mind and NO, you do not want Sallie to have your new doll.  Just that moment, however, the small voice of the Holy Spirit whispers, "Anne, you know how sad Sallie has been lately, with everything going on in her life.  YOu know that your new doll isn't nearly as important as a human being.  Let her keep it.  You know it is the right thing to do."

Imagine what you would do then.

This next article is one of the newest additions to "Joyful Maiden."  Yes, Mothers and Grandmothers, we have a section for you, too!!


~submitted by Mrs. Donna Vaughn

I have tried many different types of devotion books and studies over the years.  Here are several I have found to be especially wholesome and useful!

I once referred to a book about symbolism in the Bible and, whenever I came to a passage with significant reference to symbolism, I would read about what that meant in the symbolism book.  And, oh, was that every exciting and fun to see deeper meaning in the Bible! This study helped me understand WHY Christ used the words and told the stories He did, in order to help others understand His teachings.

Another good study I have gone through was with Beth Moore.  I studied the book of Nehemiah with her, and was it ever good!! Beth Moore is a gifted teacher and motivator in studying God's Word! She is very sound, doctrinal, and is SO well-grounded in the Bible.  I spent a month or two studying her devotional, and was very blessed by it all! You can for more information about her and her studies at:

Both of these devotional studies were very encouraging to me, and I hope they will be to you, too!